piątek, 7 listopada 2014

Usługa Quality of Life prawdopodobnie będzie subskrybowana

Według Satoro Iwaty QoL będzie posiadał nowy model dystrybucji. Mianowicie będzie on częsciowo oparty o  mikrotransakcje. Informacje nie są jeszcze potwierdzone, ale wszystko na to wskazuje, że nawet Nintendo sięgnie po ten sposób dystrybucji.Poniżej fragment wywiadu jaki udzielił prezes Nintendo:
Regarding the business model, we would like to elaborate when the time is ripe to explain the specific services, fees and the business model. Nintendo’s past business models have been mainly purchase-based models, but for this type of business, we understand that a subscription-based model, where companies and consumers keep long-term relationships, is more suitable. Specific details such as the initial price and ongoing fees will be elaborated on around the time we are ready to show you the actual products as well as the nature of the actual services. On a basic level, it will become a slightly different model from the past purchase-based business models.

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