sobota, 8 listopada 2014

Twórca Dragon Questa uważa, że przyszłość gier będzie należeć do konsol.

Horii Yuji, czyli twórca Dragon Questa, nie jest wielkim entuzjastą grania na smartfonach. Jak sam twierdzi ta moda przeminie i gracze powrócą do konsol. Oczywiście oznacza to, że raczej nieprędko zobaczymy gry jego autorstwa, na czymś z iOS, Androidem lub Windows Phonem. O to cytat:
“People say that home consoles don’t sell anymore in Japan, but once the smartphone boom settles I think home consoles will be the focus of attention again. It’s true that with smartphones and handhelds you have the benefits of taking them anywhere with you or watching TV as you play, but I think fans of video games are still feeling the desire to play games on the big screen. Also, with handhelds because the controller and the screen is on the same device it makes it painful to play for long periods of time. Playing with a home console controller and being able to move your hands around is more comfortable.”

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