środa, 19 listopada 2014

Mario Kart 8 otrzymał aktualizacje dla lekkich pojazdów

Jak donosi serwis My Nintendo News lekki pojazdy dostały niewielki tweak, który ma zmniejszyć skutki kraks najlżejszych pojazdów z tymi cięższymi. Tweak nie działa w Time Trial gdy gramy solo.
Oto wypowiedź Kosuke Yabuki :
“For this update, we made just a minor tweak to the way two players deflect when they collide with each other. Up until now, when two players collided, the more lightweight racers would get knocked too far away. That, combined with other overall elements we considered, made us conclude that the lighter racers were at a bit of a disadvantage. If you like Toad or Shy Guy and feel like you can’t win at all, go ahead and give them another try after applying the update. Also note that this tweak doesn’t have any effect on Time Trials when playing solo.”

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